Coherent Leadership

Today is we look at the definition of leadership in the dictionary we find something like this:

“Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization, the state or position of being a leader.

Synonyms: guidance, direction, authority, control, management, superintendence, supervision.”

In today’s world of massive awakening, the old leadership paradigm of control, supervision & authority is definitely a box that doesn’t fit our new consciousness.

Conscious Leadership Group created a classification of 4 levels of consciousness from where an individual may lead from. TCAhub Coherent Leadership Academy uses that 4 consciousness quadrant, however, our culture has a large emphasis in optimal communication and making sure that the words we use do not create a sense of differentiation as one of our highest values is the value of inclusion.

Calling leaders conscious or unconscious has a black and white duality to it that isn’t part of our culture as we are clear that the main source of suffering in the world comes from our sense of separation, whether with our higher Self (or Divine Essence), our peers (that’s the entire humanity), or our own environment.


So, as we embrace the culture of inclusion, we use the “4 ways of leading” concept slightly differently than the way Conscious Leadership Group does.  We choose to see all individuals & leaders for their highest potential even when they act from the lowest consciousness in the quadrants.  Simultaneously, we hold a humble awareness that as we are only using about 5% of our brain capacity according to modern science, there is an incredible potential that, when applying certain principles and mastering our 4 elements of coherent leadership:

  • Self Mastery
  • Relationship Mastery
  • Environment Mastery
  • Collective Mastery

Then the 4 ways of leading becomes more of a gage or a personal assessment tool as well as a placement from where we act cohesively with thought, feeling, action, environment & our spirit Guidance.

Leadership Cicle of Evolution

More About the Coherent Leadership Academy

Dear Impact Leader,

You may prefer being called, conscious leader, evolutionary leader, heart-centered leader or dharmic leader, however, apart from agreeing on your “title”, I am writing this message to you if you are on fire about living your life and conducting business without compromises. What I mean by this is that to be the right fit for the Coherent Leadership Academy, you take everything full on and in business, for instance, profit is not satisfactory enough to you as you thrive when seeing all stakeholders thriving… don’t you?

If you are the founder of your company or an executive of an early stage business or startup, you want to see your company being and becoming a major force of good in the world or a game changer in your industry. That is what I mean by impact. And you still want to be highly profitable and successful at the same time, right?

However, you are a visionary who understands that at the quantum level of existence, everything is totally interconnected and interdependent, therefore you know deep in your heart that you’ll never totally win and experience the ultimate level of fulfilment in your career and life until you help everyone else win as well, right?

Well, If you are saying “yes” and looking for a set of tools, systems and process to achieve the next level of leadership skills to manifest your vision and objectives more effectively and effortlessly, while feeling more connected to yourself and others so that the ride can actually be fun, then keep reading as the Coherent Leadership Academy offers just that.

Now, let me ask you…

When was the last time you went through some challenges as a leader?

Was it related to either a circumstance or a relationship issue?

Whichever is the case, either things didn’t go as planned, or maybe due to poor planning or someone (could even be you), didn’t cooperate with the rest of the team, or didn’t follow through, or simply made a mistake?

Well, if you are in business and particularly in business development, difficult situations happen regularly, right?

Well, coherent leaders know how to navigate through all of it as they’ve learned how to.

Master themselves: Not just the 5% conscious but also the 95% unconscious inner treasure.

Master their relationship: “As within so without”. Once you know yourself at a really deep level beyond your temporary physical identity & you have the tools to communicate effectively and from a centered place within yourself, then your ability to influence other is greatly enhanced.

Master their environment: Through conscious alignment with the Universal Principles and laws of creation, we can improve our environment and remain unwavering in our leadership ability even when the most challenging circumstances arise.

Master the Collective: The quantum story of the 100 monkey state that certain monkey behaviors in one island where recreated by other monkey in another. This is the theory of resonance. Without resonance the capacity to influence a team is limited to the 1st 2 levels of consciousness taught in the Coherent Leadership’s 4 ways of leading. Once we know how to create resonance in the way we share our message, mission and goals, we become a magnet to others.

So how does it work?

There are 4 ways from where we can lead from. However, the level we are in is not linear as you may be highly conscious and something happens where you get sick or are unable to take care of your basic needs like sleeping or eating for a long period of time and your consciousness will drop all the way down to a place that may humble you. As I often say, this as this is not a competition for higher consciousness or even something to compare but rather a personal assessment to know what tools to use and where your own limits are. In addition, any level of leading in this path has the commonality of leading from a dharmic place. This means to be fully accountable and transparent in our commitment for coherence with our thoughts, feelings and actions with ourselves and other at all time.

Here are the 4 levels of consciousness in which to lead from:

Reactive Leadership: Limited to knowledge of Individual Self Only. Cultivation of Virtues and Values, Strategic Planning is taught at this level due to this level of consciousness being mainly ran by the mind. This level is about reacting to what “happens to us” and therefore is limited in its ability to manifest as manifestation is the opposite in terms of how to operate in life.

Responsible Leadership: Mindset Empowerment, Self Sourcing, implementers. Here the emphasis to cultivate value alignment, presence and virtues while offering tools for productivity and team building. At this level you are fully accountable and this is where we perceive ourselves as both the creator and the solver of all challenges.

Co-Creative Leadership: Knowledge and Trust in Higher Dimension, Active Surrender, Synergy: This is what Self Mastery Module offers with a set of tools that is disruptive to the individual part of the coherent leaders so that they can get a glimpse of the potential beyond the limited mind and anchor themselves into a higher realm of possibilities and potential. This level is where we can hold presence in such a way that we are in constant touch with a guiding principle within us and have the perception that this inner force is doing everything through us as we simply flow with it. This bring extreme joy even in the most intense situations.

Unified Leadership: Purely Intentional, 100% Cohesive with All Of Creation. This is a total alignment with nature, the collective and the zero point field which some like to call God or Universal Consciousness. This is not a airy Fairy Method. It is rather a disruptive technology that invite leaders to perceive the world beyond the sense of perception so they can have a huge capacity to be not only totally outside the box but be able to solve extremely difficult situation effortlessly. This level is where we let go completely of perceiving the world thought our senses and mind and are in oneness with Source or the Zero Point Field. At this stage there are no duality, therefore no problem and no solution. This is the goal of all yogis and it’s an extremely intense way of coherence as a permanent intentional being who can manifest instantly.


Here are a few things to keep in mind (no pun intended): Today we know from modern science that we only use about 5% of our brain capacity and the rest is working at an unconscious level.

We also know from the latest quantum physics research as well as from the ancient yogic tradition and other spiritual path that our mind creates our reality.


So, what that means is that 95% of what our mind is totally running on its own and pretty much out of control and is the main reason why our reality is not exactly as we intend it in most cases. If you really get this, you may experience the type of humility that great leaders have.

So, how can we stay in the highest integrity when we realize that 95% of our mind is not under our conscious control? This is where the Coherent leadership offers a progressive method to expend a leader’s consciousness by disrupting what is “known” to make the “unknown” more available and harness its power.


As leaders we thrive to constantly grow and improve our ability to lead anyone in any challenging situation. So, what if you could tap into the 95% unconscious brain capacity to increase the level of coherence and resonance with the collective so that your ability to lead not only becomes more firmly established in the cultivation of value alignment but you also become a master of influencing people and the field (Universal Source of Creation) to make anything happen and enroll other to do the same?


That is one of the skills you will develop in the Coherent Leadership Academy.

Here are some of the stages of mastery:


Self Mastery:

Learn how to guide your conscious mind

While tapping into the unconscious levels to harness its incredible power of manifestation.

Know yourself as greater than your individuality which is the temporary self limited from the past conditioning. This is the basis of true coherence with our higher self.

Know how to be totally present in each moment to dramatically improve your level of productivity and performance

Learn the deeper cause and effect of lifestyle habits and cultivate a new way of living free from the need of adrenal rush or the dependency of any form of stimulants as you source energy from within and learn to stay in the parasympathetic nervous system to get more done with ease, so you can take greater challenges while being absolutely stress free!


Relationship Mastery:

Relating to other is the foundation of Coherent Leaders who choose a conscious approach to lead versus the old school of control, manipulation and corruption which is totally unsustainable. Whether we choose to admit it or not, we are emotional beings. Our body and mind constantly produces emotions in relationship to our current reality, as we perceive it, our past and our future. Many of these are not under our conscious control. So, the first stage of relating to other is actually mastering your emotion by increasing your EQ. Relationship Mastery provides the most cutting edge method to develop a high EQ and offers heart centered persuasion and influence techniques to be the charismatic leader people want to follow.

Tools includes certain NVC techniques which is important for the 1st level of consciousness in our 4 ways of leading. Using a simple yet powerful heart centered communication process you will be able to resolve most difficult relationship dynamics while staying connected and enrolling others in your vision and objectives.

This module teaches how to lead a team with focus, connection and velocity. People have a need/unconscious longing to align with something greater than their individual self. One of your roles as a leader is to always make sure everyone in the team knows their “why” they are doing what they are doing at every given moment so they can stay highly motivated and therefore productive. You learn in this module how to inspire other from a place of being highly inspired yourself even at times of challenges. You learn how to be a beacon of light and a motivational factor to others.


Environmental Mastery:

In the physical level of existence, the environment is deeply affected by the law of cause and effect (Karma) produced by every activity ran in our businesses and life. When we are totally coherent with ourselves and the environment, we can really make an impact in the world. This level of coherence affects all stakeholders (that is really all of humanity not just your providers, investors and customers), and the planet. This module provides another disruptive process to awaken leaders to a new level of caring for our precious environment and some specific application for any types of industries.


Collective Mastery:

In quantum physics, the story of the 100 monkeys refers to the theory of resonance as a group of apes adopt a certain behavior in one island and the other apes group from a totally different island start to adopt that same behavior as well. This monkey story relates to the theory of resonance. Here you learn to conduct your business in ways that is sustainable, including the practice of doing business for the collective evolution and well-being at a large scale. Everything affect everything else, when you release old unethical tendency and cultivate a high understanding of the interdependency of everything, your business become fully inclusive versus dualistic which is the source of suffering. From this inclusive perspective, success is inevitable.